Thursday, May 17, 2007


Ok, so my blog has turned into the "Poems about Meegan blog". Sorry, but Meegan likes it that way.

Anyhow, I have a morning routine that I follow most mornings. Before I leave for work, I grind some premium coffee beans and leave them in a filter and cone on a coffee cup on Meegan's dresser. Then, to make sure nothing floats into that fine preparation (she has a beautiful, but sheddy cat), I place a piece of notepaper over the filter. On the paper, I leave a little note. Yeah, sappy stuff. It's ridiculous and embarrassing how sappy I've gotten. I'll write the blog about how to synchronize your motorcycle's carburetors some other time.

So, here's a poem that I wrote on one of those notes. Meegan wanted it posted. Thus, it is so.


Yesterday, I held
my woman in my arms
and she was there
in skin
in warmth
in muscles pulling tight
and relaxing
in softness
in soul
and mind
and heart
and every fine moment
I have ever known
summed together
could not equal
yesterday, I held
the love of my life
in my arms

(© 2007 SPH. All Rights Reserved.)

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