Saturday, June 09, 2007


Another poem for Meegan - written to cover her coffee in the morning on June 4th. Meegan likes these posted here. I'm a little hesitant about posting them because these morning notes don't get polished up, but she enjoys them. Maybe someone else will also. Although, as I'm sure anyone can understand, that's not important.


I watched you sleep
your hands
clutching the blanket beneath your chin
your cat-eyes closed
your face relaxed

so small there
in our bed
in our room
at the edge of the forest
on this spinning blue marble
in the vastness of nothing

impossible that you are mine
I cannot contain you
You grin and stretch
like a cat
out into the universe
your warmth beats back the cold
your smile brings the dawn
your touch churns the oceans
your whisper stirs the winds
here you are
the vastness of everything

(© 2007 SPH. All Rights Reserved.)

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