Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cap De Creus

Meegan and I didn't get to take our Cancun vacation. At the last minute, I had to travel to Germany for work. So instead, Meegan went with me and we took a week of vacation in Spain. We flew to Barcelona and drove down to Sitges then up along the Spanish coast to the Costa Brava region until we reached Cadeques. One morning while we were in Cadeques, we woke up early to drive out to the Cap De Crues (Cape of Crosses) to see the sunrise. Cap De Creus is the eastern most point on mainland Spain and marks the end of the Pyrenees mountains. Rising above the sea cliffs is an old lighthouse. This lighthouse was the filming location for a 1971 movie called "The Light at the Edge of the World". I liked the sound of that, so I took a little artistic license and tweaked it a little and made this poem for Meegan.

We'll be back in Cancun soon, baby. I promise!
You are the love of my life! (And you know I can't wait too long to see you laying on the beach :-)

Cap De Creus
- by Steven for Meegan

I was there with you -
as unbelievable as
the living shape of you
from the water of life
and the ashes of stars -
I was there with you

We walked.
The silk wind
fluttered over our skin
Your dress a happy sail
My heart a stowaway to Shangri La
At the dizzy speed of laughter,
we walked.

I saw
the light at the end of the world,
the jagged edge of the old continent,
a coral sunrise in your eyes.
In a land with no trees,
I found a tree to climb.
From the edge of the sea cliff,
I gazed up at you
and I saw
the light at the end of my world.