Saturday, August 05, 2006

Just sharing some of the beauty I've found

I've been too busy to add to my blog recently - buying & moving into a new home, work, travel, dad, chauffer and that pesky, unproductive sleeping habit I keep trying to break. However, in the midst of all that, I met two artists, both specializing in visual arts, that I wanted to share with anyone that stumbles across my blog. It's just a part of the sweet, serendipitous mystery of life that I crossed paths with them.

Links to their websites:



My profound thanks to both of them for the beauty they find in and the beauty they add to the world . . .


Anonymous said...

Beauty indeed! I was not impressed with the photography, too commercial for my taste. Pretty but not terribly profound. Now Zenko, on the other hand, is a different story. Each of his periods is distincly different, causing you to run a gamut of emotions. His second period, passionate and powerful. You almost feel as if you are inturrupting an intimate moment. The 3rd period I found somewhat profane, especailly Manifestacion del Hectonquito 1. Cezanne I loved though. His 1st period was more serene than the others.I think it touched me more than the others in a way. It makes one wonder what was going on in his life during each period.

gravity_stricken said...

Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed Luis Zenko's works. He is a sweet person. Very warm and welcoming. I met him in Buenos Aires and was privileged to meet his wife, son, and his little furball dog as well as see everything in his studio. I hope to go back soon and buy some more of his stuff.

Much of Kathy's work is, as you stated, very commercial. She enjoys the fashion industry stuff. However, if you look at some of the photos of children, southern gentlemen, and the wedding pictures, you'll notice she has a knack for really getting the personality of her subject to shine. She's also a sweetheart and genuinely loves photography.

Thanks again for the comment. It's nice to know that people stumble on my little blog sometimes.